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Reiki Healing Energy

About Reiki

Improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.



Reiki has been around for thousands of years and translates to universal life energy. Everything that we know in our world today is formed by energy, including ourselves. Reiki is a healing vibration of universal life energy and positively effects everything that it comes into contact with. It is believed to balance our energy flow and heal from within. 


** Reiki is not intended to replace any doctor-approved treatment plan




 Your custom mineral powder  is positively charged with healing energy. It is infused with reiki energy much in the same way that I, as a Reiki practitioner would channel energy into a patient. Raise your vibrations and envelop yourself in good vibes using your mineral powder everyday.



Receive a Distant Reiki Healing Session.

  30 Minute Reiki Healing Session Combined with Crystal Healing , Oracle Card Pull
Chakra Analysis & Balancing -$99.00

How Crystals Help to Heal and Unblock Chakras.

Crystal therapy has been used for centuries to help treat the body holistically for various ailments. The use of crystals dates back to Egyptian times when they were believed  to be used to purge ‘evil spirits.’

The belief behind crystal therapy is that individual stones  have the ability to communicate with the energy flow of the human body and help to realign the energy channels (chakras) that are interrupting the natural flow of the body and help it heal itself. Crystals  are used to channel energy to heal, improve balance, align chakras, and achieve harmony.

Crystal therapy can be attained simply by wearing them as bracelets and necklaces, placing crystals in rooms around the home, where you work and sleep or by being treated by a crystal therapist/reiki practitioner , who can identify which stones can work to stimulate the seven chakras, or ‘energy points’ around the body.

The electromagnetic charge within each stone is said to offer healing vibrations as they work to remove blockages around the body and restore a natural flow of energy.


The seven chakras key points:


First chakra (Root) : This chakra represents stability, security and our basic needs and when unblocked. It is said to help us feel safe and fearless.


Second chakra( Sacral): This chakra is our center of creativity and helps us express ourselves.


Third chakra (Solar Plexus): A source of personal power.


Fourth chakra (Heart): This energy point unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit and acts as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions and spirit.


Fifth chakra (Throat): This chakra is situated in the neck and is a source of verbal expression and helps our ability to speak our highest truth.


Sixth chakra (Third Eye): Located in between the eyebrows, this chakra is often called the “third eye” and represents our center of intuition.


Seventh Chakra (Crown): The Sahaswara chakra or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is located at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to ourselves and others.

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